Sunday, May 6, 2007

There's always a first time., i've started working!!!Next semester i'm hoping to move out of my aunts' place to live on campus..I would also like to pay for my own living..and for that, i NEED to work... I'm now working at this place called Muffin the name's a place which sells muffin...something like Secret Recipe, only thing, we specialize in muffins instead of cakes..So, What do i do??? Let's see...i make wraps..on my first day(Friday. 4th May) the wraps that i made didn't turn out very well...i had one of those wraps which i made and didn't turn out well for lunch..yesterday was my second day..and i'm proud to say that i have improved...all the wraps that i made yesterday were simply perfecto! On the very first day i was thought how to operate the register, but i'm still yet to learn how to make the drinks. (By the way, did you know they had babycinno?-as in an extremely small cup of cappuccino) The best part is yet to come...i've worked for 2 days now which comes up to 13 hours or so(i'm planning to work 20 hours) and i still do not know how much is my pay!!! Silly me, yes i am indeed aware of it. My uniform?- there's this orange-gy top which says muffin break on the sleeves and 'GREAT COFFEE' at the back. We wear black pants and black shoes.

Talking about shoes, today i went to Kmart(something like say, Jaya Jusco or Parkson) with the intentions of getting myself a pair of comfortable black shoes for work(i've been using my aunts'). In the end, at the cashier, i found myself swiping my EFTPOS card for $85!! How?
1. A pair of black shoes for work - $40
2. A pair of black boots - $ 15(it was actually $30 but Kmart was having 50% off for the second pair of shoes)
3. A pair of winter shoes - $15
4. Face scrub - $8
5. Chocolates to be sent home.

I've finally owned my very first pair of HEELS..and that too, a pair of boots!!!! and definitely, there would be more to come....see, Latha is becoming more...GURLY..
*laughs with covering her mouth!*


Anonymous said...

hey since u asked me to give comments...erm ill say yeah canberra is really cold but sydney is getting colder at night too.
n yeah canberra is like a small village la,so extremely quiet n lil things to do.
in sydney it really comes alive at night though.*i did not go to pubs n so on k*
u should try out korean n jap food next time u come its really good here.
are u serious about getting heels for the first time???wow...
it would be a change to see Latha in a dress with heels* cause obviously i haven seen u in one b4*
well...don worry bout accounts...u can do would be like doing your wraps afta a few months...everything will be like u said...perfecto!!!!
thats all haha lazy to comment at diff acrticles la pai seh...haha kinda busy now too...

Freakwit Freak said...

congratz on finding work! was it hard to get the job? good to get a food job...sigh, i need work...