Alright people, due to high demand and as promised, this is my story bout the trip i had to Sydney.
My second week of holidays were mainly spent in Sydney. I was there from Monday till Thursday. It all started when Manja actually invited me to join them on their trip to Melbourne. In the beginning it sounded really tempting as i would have been able to meet Sarah and Tania as well, but then, due to some certain circumstances and late notices, i decided to go to Sydney instead and meet up with Li Ann whom i have not met in the past...umm..5 years?
Anyway ya, so i and Akram left Canberra at 9am on Monday and reached Sydney somewhere bout 12.30pm. I then followed the orders from Jen(Li Ann's sister) and took the train from Central to Chatswood. Li Ann met me at the station and then we walked back to her place. It's a nice place i have to say, feels very Homy-it's their home after all. There was this curry-ish chicken in the fridge and we heated that up and had it for lunch...considering the fact that it was her brother, Kenny, who had cooked it, it tasted really good. We then had just talked till Jen came back. By that time, Li Ann was tired so she went to her room to take a nap. I had Jen to entertain me on the piano. OMG..this girl is SO bloody talented! All you need to tell her is the title of the song you want, and if she knows it or even, if you can just sing it to her, she'll be able to play it for you...boy, wouldn't Ms Lim be proud to have a student like that?!LOL. By then, it was dinner time, and so we decided to order pizza-Jen had printed out the most faded voucher ever!-all for the sake of saving ink!LOL. While having dinner, we watched Gilmore Girls season 1...and by the time we decided to stop, it was 4am and we were half way done with it! Mind you, initially Li Ann was so against the idea of watching that so called -dumb-show-on-mother-daugher, yet she sat through the whole way.
The next day, i met up with one of my all-time favourite nenek, Justin and his sisters. I can't recall when was the last time i met him..but i have to admit, it was really nice of him to take me on a tour around the city, although we spent, say, half the time, rushing back to that government building so that he wouldn't miss his turn to get his driver's licence translated!(He was number 70 and when we FIRST went there they were attending to number 40-something-so we decided to go for a short walk, and when we returned, it was bout 50-something,so we went out once again.On our THIRD return,it was at 65(the nenek guessed it right!) and so we hung out there till he was done before going to The Rocks) Later in the evening, we met up with Li Ann and went for a walk to China Town where Li Ann decided to grab a bite at Bread-Story, as irrelevant this may seem, when we entered the shop, the cashier was talking to her friend, saying something like, "I didn't know he was from Malaysia" and oh yeah, she had the -LAs..LOL.Anyway, we then went to watch Namesake. I reckon it was a good movie, although personally i felt that it was rather slow moving in the beginning. Li Ann and i were commenting about the movie there and then and i felt kinda bad for Justin who was sitting next to me and had to put up with our remarks. We had pop corns and coke and chocolateS...for dinner, with a rather full stomach, we had Italian. If you think that,that was the end of the day, oh boy, you're so wrong...we had more Gilmore Girls..and then,we called it a was somewhere at 6am then!
I was suppose to meet up with Akram and Sherreen at 12pm but i was so exhausted and also,malas LA, so, I postponed the meeting to 6pm. I met up with Sherreen at the Queen Victoria Building and we sempat go in and take pictures while waiting for Akram who didn't know how to find his way out from Town's Hall station. After that, guided by Sherreen, we went and had dinner at the darling habour. I had McD for the first time in Australia!!!!-they don't have chilli sauce and their meat is smaller than their burgers!! After that, we went to The Rocks and then to the Opera House. The view at night was amazing...We didn't have much time though for Sherreen had to catch the 9.50pm, she and i were on a mission, to reach there on time for her to catch the bus...we were practically running....after sending her off, i went my way to Towns Hall and caught the train to Chatswood. I was suppose to meet the Wongs for hot chocolate at a nearby cafe but Li Ann being the pemalas she is, told me that to 'tapau' the hot chocs. So, when i got back, we drank our hot chocolates and had more Gilmore Girls...this time, i slept off on the couch.
I left for Central the next afternoon at bout 3.10pm to be on time to catch the 4pm bus back to Canberra. That was the end of my 4 days holiday in Sydney. A few really apparent differences between Canberra and Sydney is of course, the amount of cars on the road in both states. In Canberra it would be so difficult to see cars on the road especially at night but in Sydney, it is so difficult to not see a car on the road! Also, in Canberra it's rather ridiculous to walk around in sleeveless even during the day but in Sydney, i could wear sleeveless at night!
Alright, that's's indeed one long entry, and i'm getting rather malas, yeah..that's it...i owe my holidays to the Wong family, the nenek, Sherreen and Akram. thanks a bunch guys! The next time i go to Sydney, i must visit the beaches! oh yeah, when i was with Justin at The Circular Quay, we saw the Saphire Princess and he suggested that next time, let's all the Malaccans go on a cruise one, people, till that day comes, SAVE MONEY!!!!!
My second week of holidays were mainly spent in Sydney. I was there from Monday till Thursday. It all started when Manja actually invited me to join them on their trip to Melbourne. In the beginning it sounded really tempting as i would have been able to meet Sarah and Tania as well, but then, due to some certain circumstances and late notices, i decided to go to Sydney instead and meet up with Li Ann whom i have not met in the past...umm..5 years?
Anyway ya, so i and Akram left Canberra at 9am on Monday and reached Sydney somewhere bout 12.30pm. I then followed the orders from Jen(Li Ann's sister) and took the train from Central to Chatswood. Li Ann met me at the station and then we walked back to her place. It's a nice place i have to say, feels very Homy-it's their home after all. There was this curry-ish chicken in the fridge and we heated that up and had it for lunch...considering the fact that it was her brother, Kenny, who had cooked it, it tasted really good. We then had just talked till Jen came back. By that time, Li Ann was tired so she went to her room to take a nap. I had Jen to entertain me on the piano. OMG..this girl is SO bloody talented! All you need to tell her is the title of the song you want, and if she knows it or even, if you can just sing it to her, she'll be able to play it for you...boy, wouldn't Ms Lim be proud to have a student like that?!LOL. By then, it was dinner time, and so we decided to order pizza-Jen had printed out the most faded voucher ever!-all for the sake of saving ink!LOL. While having dinner, we watched Gilmore Girls season 1...and by the time we decided to stop, it was 4am and we were half way done with it! Mind you, initially Li Ann was so against the idea of watching that so called -dumb-show-on-mother-daugher, yet she sat through the whole way.
The next day, i met up with one of my all-time favourite nenek, Justin and his sisters. I can't recall when was the last time i met him..but i have to admit, it was really nice of him to take me on a tour around the city, although we spent, say, half the time, rushing back to that government building so that he wouldn't miss his turn to get his driver's licence translated!(He was number 70 and when we FIRST went there they were attending to number 40-something-so we decided to go for a short walk, and when we returned, it was bout 50-something,so we went out once again.On our THIRD return,it was at 65(the nenek guessed it right!) and so we hung out there till he was done before going to The Rocks) Later in the evening, we met up with Li Ann and went for a walk to China Town where Li Ann decided to grab a bite at Bread-Story, as irrelevant this may seem, when we entered the shop, the cashier was talking to her friend, saying something like, "I didn't know he was from Malaysia" and oh yeah, she had the -LAs..LOL.Anyway, we then went to watch Namesake. I reckon it was a good movie, although personally i felt that it was rather slow moving in the beginning. Li Ann and i were commenting about the movie there and then and i felt kinda bad for Justin who was sitting next to me and had to put up with our remarks. We had pop corns and coke and chocolateS...for dinner, with a rather full stomach, we had Italian. If you think that,that was the end of the day, oh boy, you're so wrong...we had more Gilmore Girls..and then,we called it a was somewhere at 6am then!
I was suppose to meet up with Akram and Sherreen at 12pm but i was so exhausted and also,malas LA, so, I postponed the meeting to 6pm. I met up with Sherreen at the Queen Victoria Building and we sempat go in and take pictures while waiting for Akram who didn't know how to find his way out from Town's Hall station. After that, guided by Sherreen, we went and had dinner at the darling habour. I had McD for the first time in Australia!!!!-they don't have chilli sauce and their meat is smaller than their burgers!! After that, we went to The Rocks and then to the Opera House. The view at night was amazing...We didn't have much time though for Sherreen had to catch the 9.50pm, she and i were on a mission, to reach there on time for her to catch the bus...we were practically running....after sending her off, i went my way to Towns Hall and caught the train to Chatswood. I was suppose to meet the Wongs for hot chocolate at a nearby cafe but Li Ann being the pemalas she is, told me that to 'tapau' the hot chocs. So, when i got back, we drank our hot chocolates and had more Gilmore Girls...this time, i slept off on the couch.
I left for Central the next afternoon at bout 3.10pm to be on time to catch the 4pm bus back to Canberra. That was the end of my 4 days holiday in Sydney. A few really apparent differences between Canberra and Sydney is of course, the amount of cars on the road in both states. In Canberra it would be so difficult to see cars on the road especially at night but in Sydney, it is so difficult to not see a car on the road! Also, in Canberra it's rather ridiculous to walk around in sleeveless even during the day but in Sydney, i could wear sleeveless at night!
Alright, that's's indeed one long entry, and i'm getting rather malas, yeah..that's it...i owe my holidays to the Wong family, the nenek, Sherreen and Akram. thanks a bunch guys! The next time i go to Sydney, i must visit the beaches! oh yeah, when i was with Justin at The Circular Quay, we saw the Saphire Princess and he suggested that next time, let's all the Malaccans go on a cruise one, people, till that day comes, SAVE MONEY!!!!!
Hahaha, yes and you are my all time favourite Latha!
I was pretty engrosses in the movie so your chatting with Li Ann didn't bother me much.
Yeah we better save up so we can go on a cruise around the world on the Saphire Princess with all the Malaccans!
Thanks for your cooking tips,
hey u better change my link to NOT lazy fish ok??
ask me to comment u pulak havnt comment, aiyo.
ive watched season 3 of gilmore girls!
hey i dun think ur hair is so bad in this pic
AND its still a nice smile =)
hey save money la, maybe we can backpack in europe after ur degree^^ OR apply for exchange.
aww..Li sounds good...after my degree...i've made plans with my friends here to go to Cairo!! but i'm also thinking of taking a working holiday visa sometime when i'm bout 28...if you're not married by then(that's the condition), let's go together-gether aite!!
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