The first and last time I went up the water-tank was during the holidays when we were having our extra classes in form 3. I went there with NJ, Emy and Sofia, and boy! What a sight that was!!! One angle, there’s the field, the other, the highway. I wonder why that place is prohibited…oh yeah, SAFETY measures!
Sports day in a boarding school is VERY different. The pressure is really felt here and people even take it as a personal issue. House-ism is very strong in a boarding school. I felt this the most when I was in the last year. I remember Bendol(Razak) cheering for Rahman and how the Husseinians got all annoyed and irritated. I also remember that moment when I thought that Hussein was going to win, and when Koyot and I went to see Mr. Rama he said the best words he has ever said to me…that we’ve won. I remember the other Rahmanians who had no idea of our victory jumping with joy and shedding tears of happiness. I remember being carried as well. That feeling was worth another 5 years in KYS! Wining the sports day was all that mattered, we could lose all the other events including the swimming championship and yet, still be called winners. There was also the Orchestra tours, which we all looked forward to at the beginning of every year. The tour to Thailand was the best of all, that was also when I got to know Falah. Oh yeah, and the talent time competitions. God, I miss dancing!!! I loved the dance we performed in 2004, the Me Against the Music remix by Britney. That was a very unique dance if you ask me and I simply loved the way we ended the dance. Not that I didn’t enjoy Ap Tum, but that dance in 2004, was simply different.
I suppose I had most of the fun in form 5, although that was the year which I was suppose to be on my best behaviour and be studying. That was the year when I first went for a night walk. The first time I sneaked out was with Sofia and Iqa. It was drizzling but we still made our way past the guard and then to the Great Hall where we were nearly caught??!! I can’t remember that part, but I clearly recall that on our way back to the dorm, the guard saw us and the next thing we knew, Cikgu Wati came for an inspection. Luck was on our side, for she didn’t find any evidence! The next time I sneaked out was with Ida, Nj, and fafa. This time, it was more adventurous for we were chased by DOGS!!haha. we had to spend a night in the bm room and after breakfast, we had to go back to the great hall to look for ida’s mobile which fell while we were on the run! There was also all the sleepless nights which we spent talking, and laughing. We were a family.
After SPM, we had a dinner. That was the last time we had dinner together. Everyone was dressed up. That was the dinner which every KYS student anticipated as soon as they become a fifth former. Alas, here’s something I really regret. I regret the fact that I was sitting in the same table with him but neither of us uttered a single word to each other. Not even a hello or a bye. He was a very good friend. A brilliant guy. Too brilliant that i always felt dumb and small when talking to him. It was sad that when i left school, we were no longer close but now, i'm glad we're still friends.Other than that, I suppose everything else was near perfect. Like I said in my previous entry, I did have my share of fun.

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