You know, yesterday i was really upset with my elema(aunty) and i wrote an entry to release my frustration. But today, things changed. I felt more comfortable today and so, i deleted my previous entry. I didn't delete it just because things were different today compared to what they were yesterday. I did that because i felt really stupid in my entry. I felt i was being bloody childish like how i was back then in primary school, and trust me, those days, i WAS childish- don't even bother going there! The point is, when you're mad, EVERYTHING would seem wrong. No matter how much of sense the other person tries to knock into you, if you're mad, nothing is right...not even you! I admit, i am a sensitive person, and i tend to take many things personally and make a great big deal out of them. So i guess that has to change. It's not like my brain could just yell at me saying, "LATHA, YOU'RE BEING AN ASS!!!". Hey, i gotta learn it MYSELF and unfortunately, that takes time and hopefully, i haven't got that high of a self-esteem to think that i'm Nearly Ms. Perfect! Talking bout changes, i once use to say that i HATE changes. Changes just makes things different and sometimes, or most of the times, more uncomfortable. When i was still in KYS, i remember having this
conversation with NJ on how we would change when we leave school and we may not be as close as were and things like that.
Yes, we change. We change according to the people around us and we change to be the person we think is the best, with or without realising it. Yesterday i had a chat with Manja and i told him that i felt comfortable with him and to me, he hasn't changed, but to him, he has. He told me the same thing, how he felt
comfortable talking to me and that he thinks i haven't changed, but i KNOW, that i have. I have indeed changed. At that point it hit me, NJ was only right bout the part where we would change and we might not be as close as we were. There was however one thing that she missed out on. Let's see, let me put it this way, i was never really THAT close to Manja. Well, i knew his 'stuff' and he knew mine, but we never REALLY were close friends to get to know each other. However, i have to say, things have changed for the better now. Manja is one of my closest friend now. I can talk even crappy stuff with him and it can go on, and on. At that point it hit me, things may have changed but when old friends get together, no matter how much we have changed, we will still have lots to share. I now feel that perhaps the Hoot-hoots are no longer as close as we were last year, but i am sure that the next time we meet, we will still be able to laugh our heads and be the hoot-hoots we were once. Know why? Mainly because i felt the same way bout The Gang early last year, yet they are still the people whom i feel very comfortable being with, although we have all changed. Another perfect example will be the Wun Chiak. That guy has changed a lot!!-he has a gf now-who could guess?-anyway, i met him, after 5 long years, early last year and we were still able to chat and have breakfast like good old friends. Yes, we may have lost contact, but, it's just the fact that once upon a time, we were great pals that makes us feel very comfortable even now. That's why, i would love to meet up with my friends like Li Ann, Camie(that girl is SO busy, at least i got to catch up with the others) and of course Diane. I know they would all have changed,heck, i myself have changed, but i just wanna catch up with them and be able to talk to them like good old buddies!

Yes, we change. We change according to the people around us and we change to be the person we think is the best, with or without realising it. Yesterday i had a chat with Manja and i told him that i felt comfortable with him and to me, he hasn't changed, but to him, he has. He told me the same thing, how he felt

I am glad that you still feel the same way about your ol friends as well as your current friends. I find it that some people dont usually stick to the ol friends connection because they feel...awkward? i dont know. Maybe its just the US way. i am here for 3 years and i think i am getting my malaysian mind and US mind mixed up.
i wanna see u too! we're less than a day away...
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