Zainab, Georgia and Cindy
Jess's birthday photos
Manja, me with a cacat-ed smile and SR!!!!
Like i said, i have been up to many other things besides just studying...i went to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 3 last month, with Jess, Georgia, Cindy, Denen, Zainab, Pok, Michelle, Jeff and Kevin(Alissa was celebrating her dad's birthday, so she couldn't make it)...that movie was good..i laughed my head off!!! and of course, i was the one laughing the most and probably the loudest! Even the part where Shrek comes out during the Greater Union advert, i laughed!(this was before the movie actually started and mind you, that advert was SO lame). After the movie, we went for dinner at Verve...oh yeah, it was SO cold that night, and every time we talked, there was condensation...and me being REALLY jakun, was like, " Guys, look!" and I'd open my mouth and there would be condensation.....the funniest part was when Jess, Denen and i were like, " Ok guys, let's do it all together". Denen was suppose to count to 3 before we'd open our mouths but he only got to 2 when we burst out laughing! LOL...that was funny...
On the 30th, it was Sher Reen's birthday...my good old friend, Manja, organized a surprise birthday party for her...more like a birthday barbecue...I didn't know there were SO many first year Malaysians here in ANU..ok, i have a confession to make...*this part has been edited due to how silly i was*...
The next event was jess' surprise birthday party....I blew a balloon for Jess...well, it's not like i've never blown a balloon before but...well, it IS my first balloon here in Canberra AND it was meant to be for Jess and so, it was special...and so YES,i was indeed obsessed with it...i was like, "Guys, the balloon needs to be in the picture as well!" LOL...but sadly, that balloon didn't have a very long life...Kevin punctured it while it was in Denen's hands....so, i blame both of them for the loss of my beloved balloon for Jess....hmph!
Hmm...what else....oh yes, once again, i'm in the unemployed category...yes, i have no work now...the lady who was managing the Muffin Break in Belconnen(where i worked) sold the franchise, and since i was just a casual worker, i didn't seem to be much of an asset to them, and so, i have no job now..mind you, i didn't get fired!-it's different!-so, yeah, i'm now once again, on the look for new jobs...and on monday, i have 2 interviews...wish me luck guys!!!!
Tonight Georgia and Alissa are going out partying....and they're going to get drunk...LOL...they were talking bout it all week! I'm not joining them cause tomorrow i've got to wake up early and bake Jess a cake...we're having lunch at her place tomorrow, celebrating her belated birthday...and so, i decided to bake her a cake...we'll see how that goes...HEY PEOPLE...I BAKE OK!!! i remember baking NJ her birthday cake, and although initially people like Hanaa doubted my baking skills, in the end..they admitted it was pretty good!!! Don't deny that now, Hanaa! and yes, i also baked muffins for my Inti friends, although there was a time where i baked brownies and it turned out looking more like a cake than a brownie...but the bottom line and the most important point is that..IT WAS GOOD!!!